GPS Maze Design Service

If you have your own GPS farming equipment, we can design your maze and provide maze GPS files. This will allow you to precision plant or cut your own corn maze.
We are able to provide both .SHP path files and .SHP boundary files. It is important you verify your equipment is compatible with .SHP files before purchasing this service.
If you plan to precision plant your maze, we highly recommend you first test your planters with .SHP files to insure they work properly with your setup. The files we provide do not contain planting population information. We will be glad to provide a test .SHP file at no cost.
If you plan to cut your own maze and have never used a .SHP file on farming equipment or a mower, it is a good idea to practice before hand. The best way to do this is to follow a .SHP file through a grass field while mowing, then review how the design looks in the mowed paths. We can provide a test .SHP file for practice.
If you have any questions, just give us a call.